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Monday manifestation series :Manifestation Magic: Creating Your Ideal Life Together

  Welcome to the second series of the Monday Manifest Series! It's wonderful to have you here as we continue our journey of co-creating and manifesting our dreams. In this series, we will dive deeper into the practice of manifestation and explore the power of making manifesting a collective experience. Manifestation is not just an individual endeavor; it becomes even more powerful when we come together as a community, supporting and inspiring one another along the way. By joining forces, we amplify our manifestation energy and create a space where dreams become reality. Today, I invite you to join me in harnessing the power of collective manifestation. Take a moment to reflect on the dreams and desires you have been manifesting in your own life. What are the intentions and goals you are working towards? What visions do you hold in your heart? Now, let's take this journey of manifestation together. In the comments section below, I encourage you to share what you are currently...

how to overcome all your fears

"Do the thing you fear and you will have power" says Emerson. No evil is so great as fear. It is the arch enemy of mankind and is of a monstrous nature. No one knows to what extent this fear fiend can make us grovel in the dust like a slave. It reduces man - God's master creation - from self-assertive confident human being to such a pitiable slave of fear.

What is this demon called fear? From whence it comes? For what reasons it lurks behind us? What can we do to free us from this evil? These are questions that continue to confound mankind.

It is strange that human beings who were made by God to dominate this world and to have power over it should allow themselves to become passive unresisting victims of this arch enemy. We little realise that fear is the product of our own creation. Our own thought and our own imagination create it and we alone are responsible. He has no existence outside of our mind. If mind is the creator of these destructive forces, mind alone will have the power to rid ourselves of this fear phobia. No outsider can make us afraid of this and that. They may do things to make us afraid but only when we allow our mind to accept those suggestions that we become a prey to the fear habit. Nothing can act or affect us until it takes a hold on our mind. He who knocks at the door, cannot enter the house unless we open the door.

Once he gains entrance, it becomes difficult to eject him. He will want to sit long to drop his bit of poison. When this uninvited guest stays too long we become familiar with his doses of venom. We become accustomed to them and they get embedded in our very nature. Their very action is coloured or dominated by sinister motives. We little realise that the influence of this fear kills us and our spontaneity and blots out the joy of living and takes away the best from us.

Victor Hugo, the French novelist, depicts it colourfully when he says, "This dread, this fear, at first weak. constantly becomes more defined within you. You become more and more conscious of it. The pain increases until before the appointed time you begin to suffer tortures. You cannot sleep. You have little or no appetite. You cannot enjoy anything. You may try to shake it off, but do what you will, the picture of that coming evening is ever present and you vision all sorts of dire eventualities. You feel sure you are going to fail. The dread of possible humiliation is so graphically depicted in your thought that you suffer far more in anticipation than you could possibly suffer in reality."

How many times we suffer in anticipation of evils that never arrive. But on the other hand had we anticipated success and happiness, each day would have brought us those very attributes and more of confidence in our train of thought.

It is a paradox to achieve success whilst thinking of failure. Success, opulence and prosperity are founded upon a definite law - the law of attraction. We must expect success before we can attain it.
Similarly when we on expecting failure, we are surely headed toward failure. Like produces like. This is why we call fear an insidious enemy. It is a great depressant. It discourages people before attempting anything. It saps our very energy, kills aspiration and throttles ability and paralyses our very initiative. It stifles the noble impulses and distorts our glorious visions. It robs of our very life.

Fear is born of ignorance. We have failed to discover the great power and the vast reservoir of strength that lie within us. We are ignorant of our innate abilities and capabilities. We always think of what we lack and often fear the loss of what we possess.

Fear comes from lack of confidence to cope with a situation. The moment we are able to grapple with the situation, fear passes away. Life was never intended to be poor and miserable but to be richer grander and more rewarding. Why we fail to achieve this condition is because we have become slaves to fear.

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