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Monday manifestation series :Manifestation Magic: Creating Your Ideal Life Together

  Welcome to the second series of the Monday Manifest Series! It's wonderful to have you here as we continue our journey of co-creating and manifesting our dreams. In this series, we will dive deeper into the practice of manifestation and explore the power of making manifesting a collective experience. Manifestation is not just an individual endeavor; it becomes even more powerful when we come together as a community, supporting and inspiring one another along the way. By joining forces, we amplify our manifestation energy and create a space where dreams become reality. Today, I invite you to join me in harnessing the power of collective manifestation. Take a moment to reflect on the dreams and desires you have been manifesting in your own life. What are the intentions and goals you are working towards? What visions do you hold in your heart? Now, let's take this journey of manifestation together. In the comments section below, I encourage you to share what you are currently...

The Colorful History of Growing With Grandparents

How much of you all have taken time to spend at least a little time with your grandparents? Still, if you haven't, do it! Don't have regrets later.

How much of you all have taken time to spend at least a little time with your grandparents? Still, if you haven't, do it! Don't have regrets later.

My grandparents are no more! But their memories live within us.

Growing up with grandparents

When my brothers and I were kids, we used to sit and listen to our grandparents flashbacks.

How much of you all have taken time to spend at least a little time with your grandparents? Still, if you haven't, do it! Don't have regrets later.

The most asked story was about their love story. I still remember the smile on her face whenever we bring the topic. It was a love marriage. My grandma says, "he fell in love with me because of my beautiful long hair". It was true indeed. Even in her Late seventies, she had silver, thick, long, healthy hair. Unfortunately, I didn't inherit her healthy hair on the contrary, I'm lucky enough that I am gifted with all her talents. She used to say, that she worked in my grandfather's workshop for a while and that is how they found love. There were no objections among them, although both of them were from different religions. The family of my grandfather accepted my grandmother with open arms, which she made his family, as her very own.

Often we will start kidding her, telling her that she corrected her boss(my grandpa).

grandfather was the humblest man I ever knew.

grandfather was the humblest man I ever knew. Until today, I have never met any other who have got such character and good habits.

There are many things I have learned from him. He never had the habit of backbiting, gossiping, speaking ill of others and no racism at all. He doesn't encourage people with these habits, either. A man who lived a simple lifestyle. He didn't divide people. Until today, people who knew him would appreciate his character.

Fun time with grandpa

Often, we call him with the nickname, FUN BOY. My grandpa is a fun person. He would play with us just like a kid, doesn't matter how old he is! He never had lost his temper with us, although we had caused lots of trouble and chaos as kids. We would call him with bad nicknames. His reactions to those were hilarious. I'm laughing alone while I write this. Sometimes he would say, "oh look what this girl just called me, very bad" and he would laugh aloud

How much of you all have taken time to spend at least a little time with your grandparents? Still, if you haven't, do it! Don't have regrets later.

I still remember, all of us playing play station together. The need for speed was one of his favourites.

Growing up with grandparents is a blessing. They provide special love more that our parents do
Days with grandparents. They are no more. But memories remain forever

He is in love with gaming stuff. My father would especially send him gifts like game buoys, Nintendo, mp4s, and other interesting stuffs from abroad. He is in love with this kind of gaming stuff. He played with these even in his later 70s. If he is still alive, he would be surprised with the latest gaming technologies like Xbox and stuff. 

His cupboard is full of candy and chocolates. He loves sweets just like a kid. He never eats alone. Not only with us, he would share everything with our neighbours children too.

Watching television with him.

Wrestling was one of the most-watched TV time with him. One of his favourite. Thanks to him, I was a great fan. He encourages us to collect wrestling day cards as a hobby. We were only allowed to watch movies during the holidays as for my aunts rules. Because all of us are film addicts those days, we deny focusing on studies. That was the main reason for the rule. Thinking back, we have had a great childhood.

His favourite series was Harry Potter. We have watched the first 4 series over a thousand times. Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Nania were some favourites.

So when holidays arrive, my grandfather would move all the chairs away and spread a large blanket on the floor that all of us can locate ourselves comfortably with all the pillows.

His favourite series was Harry Potter. We have watched the first 4 series over a thousand times. Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Nania were some favourites.

He was an emotional type. He has cried after watching some movies.

During holidays, at sharp 7 o clock, there would be kids movies on TV. We watch all of these together. Scooby-Doo, Shrek, Dr. Do little, Napoleon, fly away with me and home alone were among them.

Grandma's care

I have seen nobody cooks so deliciously just like my grandma did.

Grandmother was a little high tempered with us. Looking after us was not easy either, obviously either one of the two should be strict with us, if not we would loiter playing the fool as kids.

Grandparents played a major role in our life.

My siblings and my cousins grew under their care because my parents were abroad and my aunt and uncle were working full time. Full time of our childhood were taken care by them. Especially my grandma.

Full time of our childhood were taken care by them. Especially my grandma.

I have seen nobody cooks so deliciously just like my grandma did. Even today, our relations says, they still have that taste left on their tongue. Not only cookery, she can stitch, crochet, do embroidery, knit, do gardening and do other great creative stuff. I'm fortunate enough to inherit her talents. One day, my dad told her to teach everything she knew to me. I was only 8 years then. Right then, she started teaching me handwork and stuff. At age 8, I started learning crochet and embroidery. Successfully, she fulfilled my father's wish. I can cook just good as her. My brother often says when I cook, it tastes like grandma's food. The rest of the family says too. I would proudly say, it's my grandma's training. She would be proud of me, if she is alive today.

Grandma was a methodical woman.

Wakes before the sun    • Cleans home and garden    • Gardening    • Keeping surrounding neat    • Cooks healthy food    • Encourages us to stay clean, etc.
She gave priority to cleanliness and discipline. We grew up like what she wanted

• Wakes before the sun

• Cleans home and garden

• Gardening

• Keeping surrounding neat

• Cooks healthy food

• Encourages us to stay clean, etc.

She gave priority to cleanliness and discipline. We grew up like what she wanted.

Grandparents provided all of us with a stable living.

Growing with grandparents was the best part of life.

My grandfather had a belt workshop when he was young. Everything was handmade. He was one of the famous in the belt industry those days in Sri Lanka. Anybody would know his name in the market. A man who was super talented in arts and crafts. Later on, he taught his business to all of his sons. Even after growing old, after all those big factories emerged in the new generation, he did it as a hobby. But his children found their own jobs late.

Grandma worked as a chef for a Royal family in Qatar when she was young. Like I said before, she was such a good chef. She says that the Royals would appreciate her all the time. She had won all the hearts of them by cooking delicious food.

Her dream was to keep all her children stable and make them live closer to each other. That is why she invested all her savings in buying a huge piece of land and dividing it among her children. Now, thanks to her, all of us live in the same neighbourhood. No rental worries. We are living in our properties thanks to my grandparents. Otherwise, I could imagine the struggle we might face shifting from one place to another for rent.

They have spared almost everything for the happiness of their children and grandchildren.
They have spared almost everything for the happiness of their children and grandchildren.
They have spared almost everything for the happiness of their children and grandchildren.

They have spared almost everything for the happiness of their children and grandchildren. Aren't we lucky?

When they passed away

Later on, we grew up. They grew older, too. My grandpa passed away when I was ten. He was 79 years. I missed him so much. I miss the fun time we had with him. Not only that, but I missed one of my great supporters.

Later on, we grew up. They grew older, too. My grandpa passed away when I was ten. He was 79 years.

Grandma grew older too. As we were grown, it was time for her to rest. It was time for us to work so that she could rest. We didn't allow her to cook, on the contrary, we would cook and allow her to taste. She was more than happy about us. I had the chance to help her with giving medicine to her palms, help her with hospital stuff and even her laundry. I'm happy that I had the chance to help her. She is more than a mother. She's the only person who could understand my feelings. Her love for me is uncountable. Everybody took great care of her and my grandpa.

She passed away when I was I8 years. She was 79 then.

I miss them badly. I miss all the late-night talks I had with my grandma. I know all her stories, from her childhood, younger age and adulthood. She has shared all her life stories with me. I'm just like her autobiography book. It is very interesting. Later on, I would bring some stories from her life on this blog which you would not regret reading.

I hope they are resting in peace in heaven. One thing I know is that they enjoyed their life being with us.
I hope they are resting in peace in heaven. One thing I know is that they enjoyed their life being with us.

I hope they are resting in peace in heaven. One thing I know is that they enjoyed their life being with us.

I love you both.


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