Welcome to the second series of the Monday Manifest Series! It's wonderful to have you here as we continue our journey of co-creating and manifesting our dreams. In this series, we will dive deeper into the practice of manifestation and explore the power of making manifesting a collective experience. Manifestation is not just an individual endeavor; it becomes even more powerful when we come together as a community, supporting and inspiring one another along the way. By joining forces, we amplify our manifestation energy and create a space where dreams become reality. Today, I invite you to join me in harnessing the power of collective manifestation. Take a moment to reflect on the dreams and desires you have been manifesting in your own life. What are the intentions and goals you are working towards? What visions do you hold in your heart? Now, let's take this journey of manifestation together. In the comments section below, I encourage you to share what you are currently...
What is fatigue? It is weariness from labour of body and mind. It is both a mental and physical exhaustion. Research indicates that one out of three person suffers fatigue at one time or another and some people suffer throughout their life for no apparent cause whatsoever. Then what are its causes? There are many. Fatique takes many forms and colours. The modern rat-race or the fierce struggle to maintain one's position in work or in life, is one of the contributing factors in the causation of fatigue. Modern life gives man little or no time for rest, relaxation or recreation. He is busy in trying to outdo the other and beat the race. George is having a good time with life while Arthur is struggling to keep his body and soul together. One tries to outbeat the other. In this condition he forgets all the natural laws of life and engages himself in tasks that engender restlessness giving way to physical and mental exhaustion. He has no time to eat or sleep. He is always...