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Monday manifestation series :Manifestation Magic: Creating Your Ideal Life Together

  Welcome to the second series of the Monday Manifest Series! It's wonderful to have you here as we continue our journey of co-creating and manifesting our dreams. In this series, we will dive deeper into the practice of manifestation and explore the power of making manifesting a collective experience. Manifestation is not just an individual endeavor; it becomes even more powerful when we come together as a community, supporting and inspiring one another along the way. By joining forces, we amplify our manifestation energy and create a space where dreams become reality. Today, I invite you to join me in harnessing the power of collective manifestation. Take a moment to reflect on the dreams and desires you have been manifesting in your own life. What are the intentions and goals you are working towards? What visions do you hold in your heart? Now, let's take this journey of manifestation together. In the comments section below, I encourage you to share what you are currently...

Faith is a great healer

A noted Viennese Surgeon Dr. Hans Finsterer Mites, "Although a considerable progress has been mede in the past few years in medical technology, all *dvances are not sufficient in themselves to insure a happy outcome in every operation. In many instances what appeared to be a simple procedure, the patient died and in some cases where the surgeon despaired of the patient, there was recovery." What do you under- stand by this? The patient had faith that he would survive the operation and he survived. The secret was faith. The aphorism "The doctor treats, God cures" cannot be discounted and is becoming more and more prominent to our understanding. It is best to remember that we are governed by two laws — natural laws of life by science and the spiritual laws governed by faith.

A university survey conducted in the United States of America of students of psychology, revealed that 75% of them were subject to lack of confidence. Today everywhere you will see people inwardly afraid, who shrink from life, who suffer from a deep sense of frustration, inadequacy and insecurity. They doubt their very powers and abilities. They lack confidence. Deep within themselves they mistrust their ability to meet responsibilities or to grasp opportunities. Dr. Karl Menninger, the eminent Psychiatrist, says, "Attitudes are more important than facts." When failure or defeat overtakes you, it is not failure or defeat that matters much, but your attitude towards that matter is what matters most. Thomas Edison, world's famous inventor, after his most priced scientific laboratory caught fire, was gazing at the remains. An onlooker asked him, "What on earth you will do now?" Answered Edison promptly, "l will rebuild it tomorrow." His attitude towards the calamity was positive confidence Of his ability to rebuild. His faith in his ability was so high that he rebuilt it fast without wasting time.


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